Ferlat Silvano | Bianco 5L Box | 2022 | Italy

Ferlat Silvano | Bianco 5L Box | 2022 | Italy
Green Packaging: ⭐️🥇 5L box wine!
Flavor: Floral, tropical fruity on the nose. Notes of apricot, kiwi, yellow peach, and a hint of salt.
Wine Type: Low-intervention white wine
Grape: 85% Friulano, 15% combined Chardonnay, Ribolla Gialla, Malvasia, Verduzzo, Sauvignon
ABV%: 13
Region: Italy
Vineyard Subregion: Venezia Giulia IGT
Farming: Certified organic
Yeast: Native
Producer: Ferlat Silvano
Winemaker: Federica Tabbachi and Moreno Ferlat
Drink thoughtfully. Drink with a conscience. Drink with impact.
You can feel good when you enjoy your wine, knowing it is made by people who give a damn about the bigger picture.
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